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30 Mart '12

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İngilizce öğrenmeyi kolaylaştırmak lazım

İngilizce öğrenmeyi kolaylaştırmak lazım

Ortaokul, lise çağlarında TÜBİTAK Bilim Teknik dergisini sıkça alırdım. Oradan pek çok yabancı terim öğrenmişimdir. Ve hala bu terimleri hatırlarım. Çünkü orada bir yabancı terim kullanılıyorsa yanına parantez içinde ( Türkçe anlamı) da verilirdi. Böylece gözüm kelimeye daha aşina olur ve kolay kolay da o kelimeyi unutmazdım. Zaten insanoğlu hep fotoğrafik hafıza ile öğrenirmiş. Yıllar sonrada bu konu üzerine yüzlerce kitap çıktı.  "Bir resim bin kelimeye bedeldir" diye de ünlü bir söz vardır hani.

Şimdi düşünüyorum da acaba bu tekniği neden Türkiye'de İngilizce öğretmek için birileri kullanmadı. Geçmişte pek çok gazete dil konusunda sözlükler, yabancı dil destek yayınları yaptı ama hiç biri böyle bir tekniği denemedi. Ben de bugün az çok İngilizce biliyorum diyorsam, bunda Milliyet gazetesinin geçmişte verdiği sözlüklerin payı büyüktür. Hep düşünmüşümdür neden bir türlü, gazeteler yabancı dil konusunda ve özellikle artık uluslararası dil olan İngilizce konusunda halka yardımcı olmazlar diye. Oysa bence çocuklara İngilizce çok rahatlıkla öğretilebilirdi. Sanırım bunda "İngilizce öğrenim piyasasına" zarar vermeyelim düşüncesi etkili oldu. Ancak artık bu internet çağında inancım odur ki İngilizce insanların ulaşamadığı bir kavram olmaktan çıkmalıdır. Herkes ingilizceyi rahatça öğrenebilmelidir. Bu konuda başta devlet olmak üzere basın yayın ve heskes en güzel çabayı ortaya koymalıdır.

Aşağıda kelime öğrenmek için bahsettiğim method var. Belki birileri az da olsa bir kaç İngilizce kelimeyi, belki bu yöntemle öğrenebilir.


Special English  26 March 2012

Woman, 32, China: Eager for love, but scared  of it
I have a big (büyük) problem with falling in  love (aşık olmak). I don't trust (güvenmek) love. It seems (görünmek) that I've never  trusted the existence (varlık) of true  (gerçek, doğru) love. Once upon a time (bir zamanlar), I felt  (hissetmek) love was the happiest (en mutlu)  thing (şey) in the world (dünyadaki) the  moment I saw couples (çiftler) as well as their children (çocuklar) enjoying (hoşlanmak)  splendid (muhteşem) time together. But now I  feel love is a demon (şeytan) who can drag  (sürüklemek) your to hell (cehennem) and you  will be tortured (işkence edilmek) over and
over again (tekrar tekrar) until (e kadar) you are dying (ölmek). How can I get (almak) through this? I am eager (istekli) for love. Meanwhile (bu arada), I am scared of (korkutmak) it.
Special English  26 March 2012
Cambodian, 18: Advice for teens about love
Of course, love is very popular (popüler) for teenagers (13-19 yaş arasındaki gençler). But
(fakat) love also makes them unhappy (mutsuz kılmak) or sad (üzgün kılmak) from a broken
heart (kırılmış, incinmiş). So my advice (tavsiye) is, first (ilk), they both must understand (anlamak) each other (birbirlerini) and believe (inanmak) or trust (güvenmek).
And, secondly (ikinci olarak), they must ask (sormak) the reasons (nedenler, sebepler) why (niçin).
Please do not be shy (utangaç, çekingen). If  they do not talk (konuşmak) with each other,  their love will break down because of  (nedeniyle) wrong (yanlış) ideas (fikirler,  düşünceler): does she/he love him/her? Does she/he hate (nefret etmek) me? Or if she/he does not talk to me, I won't talk to him/her
either (her ikisini de). These are the popular  (popüler) problems (problemler). Please believe me (inanın bana).
Special English  26 March 2012
Man, 22, Vietnam: "My lips seem to be locked"
I don't know how to begin (başlamak) a sentence (cümle) when I sit (oturmak) next to (yanına) a girl (bir kız). My lips (dudaklar) seem to be locked! (kilitli) :(
Help (yardım etmek) me solve (çözmek) it.  Thank you so much. You're doing a great job
(büyük bir iş yapıyorsunuz)!
Special English 23 March 2012
Man, 30, U.S.: Seeks "smooth" way to find out
if a friend has a boyfriend What is a smooth (düzgün, pürüzsüz) and funny  (komik) way to find out (ortaya çıkartmak) if a female (dişi, kadın) friend (arkadaş) has a boyfriend (erkek arkadaş)?
Special English  21 March 2012
Man, 27, China: How to talk to attractive women?
Here is (işte) a question: When I come across (rastlamak) a girl  on the road (yolda), how (nasıl) can I strike up a conversation (muhabbet, konuşma) with her when we know (bilmek) nothing (hiç bir şey)
about each other, but there is something  attracting (çekmek) me. I just want (istemek) to say (söylemek) hello and know something  about her. My English is not good. I hope you can help me. Thanks!
Special English  21 March 2012
Woman, 21, China: Boyfriend does not seem  serious about love
I have a boyfriend of two years, but I always couldn’t see our love of the future (gelecek). I feel (hissetmek) he is not serious (ciddi) about this feeling. Sometimes, he even lets (izin vermek) me think that he is  just staying (kalmak) by my side temporarily (geçici bir süre) because of  the fear (korku) of loneliness (yanlızlık), before (önce) he finds (bulmak) his  dream (düş, rüya) girl.
Who can tell (anlatmak, söylemek) me what should I do?
Special English  12 March 2012
Woman, 24, China: Angry at growing debt of  boyfriend's parents
I have a boyfriend and he treats me very well.  But my parents don't like him, because he has  no steady job and future. His parents hasten for us to get married (evlenmek). But I can't make this decision (karar vermek). One problem is that he has two sisters who are  both still in university. His parents (ailei, ebeveyn) have no ability (yetenek) to earn (kazanmak) much money (para) for their studies  anymore. My boyfriend hasn't been to university before, and now his parents do not
have any money for our wedding (nişan) either. They can only borrow (borç almak) from others.
I feel so angry (kızgın). I have never disliked (sevmemek) him because of his economic status (ekonomik durum). But I don't  want to marry (evelenmek) someone whose family (aile) is getting deeper (derinleşmek) in debt (borç) day after day (gün be gün). That will make our life (yaşam) difficult (zor). I am confused (kafası karışmak). I hope (umarım) his parents can do  something for him. Am I wrong? I hope to get  some good advice (tavsiye, öneri). Thank you!
Special English  12 March 2012
Woman, 21, Vietnam: Can't relax around  boyfriend
I always feel I have problem with my  boyfriend, I do not feel comfortable (rahat, huzurlu) when we are beside (yanında) each other. I don’t know what the  exact (tam) problem is, and I don’t know how to make my boyfriend feel comfortable. Would you give me advice to improve (iyileştirmek) my situation (durum)?
Special English  06 March 2012
Man, 21, Pakistan: Wants Bulgarian love to drop male Facebook friends
First of all (öncelikle, herşeyden önce), let me tell (anlatayım) you that I have been listening (dinlemek) to VOA since 1999 when I was in Saudi Arabia. I remember (hatırlamak) I had a small radio that I tuned (ayarlamak) to VOA via medium wave.
Anyway (her neyse), I found a girl on Facebook living (yaşamak) in Bulgaria. She's a Christian (Hristiyan) and I am a Muslim (Müslüman). We have chatted (muhabbet etmek) for more than five months now.
She's in love with me (bana aşık) and I feel the same (aynı). She's 17 years old. I introduced (tanıtmak) my culture (kültür), and she introduced her culture.
I said to her, please remove (kaldırmak, çıkarmak) your male (erkek) Facebook friends. She has more than 2,000  friends on her list. I said in my religion (din), making male friends is not a good (iyi) thing, and I also don't like (sevmek) this because I want to marry (evlenmek)her as soon she becomes (olmak) 18 years old. She  wants that, too.
She said "you get jealous (kıskanç)" and she said "I will remove them" but the sad thing is that she has hidden (saklamak, gizlemek) her contact (irtibat) list. I know she  still talks to male friends. Now, the main  thing is that she wants to live in my country,  and she also said to me she will become
Muslim. But I am afraid (korkarım) when she comes (gelmek) to Pakistan, if she does the same thing, what will my family say to me?
Actually, Pakistani girls are very different (farklı). If they love someone, they consider (düşünmek) them everything. They share (paylaşmak) everything with them  only. They talk when they feel some essential  thing to discuss (tartışmak). I am talking about (bahsetmek) the majority (çoğunluk).
I ignored (aldırmamak) this topic (başlık) as I didn't want to lose (kaybetmek) her today when I saw her profile. The saddest  thing (en acı şey) was when I saw a Pakistani guy (adam, herif) commenting (yorum yapmak) on her pics (resimler). First they were European, now Pakistani, too, and her reply (cevap vermek) was just a smile. Although (e rağmen) she loves me, deep inside my heart I feel so sad. I didn't say that to her. I always (daima) say to her that I never talk to any girl since (den beri) we are in a relationship (ilişki).
I don't know what to do (ne yapacağımı bilmiyorum). That's my problem (problemim bu).
Special English  05 March 2012
Man, 21, China: Medical student's girlfriend  wants to go far away for job
I'm a medical (tıp) university student (öğrenci). But now I  have got a problem that I met a beautiful (güzel)  girl. It seems that I am falling in love (aşık olmak) with her. The problem is that she will graduate (mezun olmak) in June, and wants to go somewhere far away (çok uzaklara) for a
job (iş). For me (benim için), I have to stay (kalmak) in school (okulda). And,  you know, to be a doctor (doktor) there is a long, long time in school.
Special English  05 March 2012
Man, Vietnam: Object of his love only sees him as a friend
I have loved (aşık olmak) a girl for four years, but she has not loved me. I try (denemek) everything (her şey), but not  effectively (etkin bir şekilde). For example (örneğin), every week (her hafta) she and I go to the cinema to watch (izlemek) films. I give her many gifts (hediyeler) and talk romantically to her, but she still  sees me as a best (en iyi) friend. I don't know what to do.
Special English  01 March 2012
Man, 40: Actions of girlfriend, 25, make him  jealous
My name is Kareem. I have loved a girl for  five years, but I suffer (acı çekmek) from her bad manners (tarzlar) and actions (hareketler). I can't stay (katlanamıyorum) with her and at the same time (aynı zamanda) I can't leave (bırakmak) her because she is my  life now. I can't marry her because of the religion  thing. Simply, she is very obstinate (inatçı) and careless (dikkatsiz) and tries to find another friend at the same time she is with me. She always tells me that she loves me but sometimes I feel that  she doesn't. She is 25 years old. I told her many times  that I hate (nefret etmek) these things but she still does  them. Please advise (tavsiye etmek) me, what shall I do? I feel very jealous (kıskanç) of her especially (özellikle) when she  tries to find (bulmak) another friend.
Special English  29 February 2012
Woman, 27, Brazil: How to relate to potential boyfriends?
I have no boyfriend. I never had anyone. But I always try to stay (kalmak) with someone, and I have ever kissed (öpmek) many mouths (ağız). I like being single (bekar), but I need some  relationship (ilişki). I miss (özlemek) it. I feel as if (sanki) I don’t know to relate to others.
Special English  26 February 2012
Man, 30, Somalia: Facebook chat with  ex-girlfriend brings new heartbreak
My ex-girlfriend (eski kız arkadaşım) and I started (başlamak) our relationship 08/08/2003, when I was a secondary student. She and I were neighbors (komşu). I can say it was the first time I proposed (önermek) a relationship. She accepted (kabul etmek) and welcomed (içtenlikle kabul etmek) me. Both of us (ikimiz) fell (hissetmek) in love with each other and our relationship increased (artmak) day after day (gün be gün). She and I were staying in her room every afternoon (öğleden sonra). Even (bile) during (sırasında) final (final) examinations (sınavlar) at school (okulda), I answered (cevap vermek) some questions (sorular) with her name (isim) because  I hadn't done any reading (okuma) and those days (günler) my love was very high (yüksek). She requested (rica etmek) that I get a telephone line in my home in order to communicate (iletişim kurmak), and I did that because she and I loved each other.
Our relationship was secret (gizli) because in Somali culture (kültür), neighbors (komşular) are not supposed (sanmak, zannetmek) to make a relationship. No one knew about our relationship except (dışında) her younger sister. Suddenly (ansızın), she went to Ethiopia in order to apply (başvurmak) for a visa at the Swedish (isveç) Embassy. When  she failed (başaramamak) to get a visa she started to immigrate (göçmek) to Europe (Avrupa) through (den geçerek) the Libyan route (rota) to Malta. Luckily (Allahtan) she succeeded (başarmak) in her journey (yolculuk)  to Europe, but she married (evlenmek) and that made me disappointed (hayal kırıklığına uğratmak) because I loved her very much. 
I started (başlamak) a relationship (ilişki) with another (başka bir) girlfriend. We have been dating (flört etmek) for four years  up to now (şimdiye kadar) and she loves me, and I forgot (unutmak) my
previous (önceki) girlfriend. But, everything changed (değişmek) when she and I started chatting (muhabbet etmek) every night (gece) on Facebook with my ex-girlfriend (K). Now she is a single mother (anne) with a child (çocuk) three years old.
My love rejuvenated (gençleşmek, canlanmak) again. Nonetheless (yine de), one night she wrote to me: "Hi, Y, please advise me (tavsiye etmek), I am dating (flört etmek) two guys (adam). One (biri) is older than me (benden daha yaşlı) and the other (diğeri) is younger than me (benden daha genç). So, please (lütfen), which one should I marry?" Then I got silent (sessiz) and I signed (imzalamak) out of my account (hesap) immediately (hemen).
Next (bir sonraki) night (gece) I told her my advice (tavsiye). I said marry the one who loves you. Once again (bir kez daha) I was very upset (üzgün) and disappointed (hayal kırıklığına uğramak). I love her so much, more than before. Please advise me what I do.
Special English 26 February 2012
Man, Colombia: Loves Women, Can't Understand  Them
Ten days ago I broke up (ayrılmak) with my girlfriend.  I'm 12 years older than her. It's very  difficult (zor). I love women but I don't understand (anlamak) them. Today a woman will say to you "I love
you, my honey (tatlım)" and tomorrow (yarın) she will say: 'I  don't want to speak (konuşmak) to anybody."
Special English  24 February 2012
Woman, 26, Iran: Miserable since split with  her ex-professor over his son
I had a relationship (ilişki) with my professor at  university. After about 1 1/2 years we broke up (ayrılmak). Our relationship was really challenging (meydan okumak).  He was 12 years older than me, but we both  loved each other. He has a 6 year old son who  maybe wanted to live with us.
After I rejected (reddetmek) his marriage (evlenme) proposal (teklifi) because of (nedeniyle) the son (erkek çocuğu), he left (bırakmak) me, but returned (dönmek)  after two months. I  went to hell (cehennem) when he  broke up with me, and nearly (neredeyse) went crazy (çılgın, deli), so  when he returned we couldn't have a calm (sakin) relationship. It was full of struggle (mücadele). He is really doubtful (şüpheli) about marriage now because of  his son, whom he thinks I can't tolerate (tölere etmek). We both are doctors. We love each other but we both are irritable (alıngan), sad (üzgün) and hollow (boş). Now it has been two months that he hasn't called. I am waiting for (beklemek) him. He is sad, I am sure (eminim), but he refuses (reddetmek) to call (aramak) me. He thinks that this love
will go nowhere because we can't get along with each other. I feel really miserable (mutsuz, sefil, berbat) ... I can't live a normal life (yaşam) after him. I want him in my arms (kollar), but nothing happens (olmak) these days but crying (ağlamak).
Special English  22 February 2012
Woman, 21, Taiwan: Wants ex-boyfriend back, but he loves someone else
My ex-boyfriend (eski erkek arkadaşım) and I were together (birlikte) since we  were in high school (lise) and entered (girmek) different (farklı) colleges (kolej). I broke up (ayrılmak) with him in the second  year of college, at the end of 2010 (2010'un sonunda). It was  not that I fell in love with (aşık olmak) someone else.  It's just that something didn't work out (yürümek)  somehow. He couldn't understand why I just  broke up him with no proper (doğru dürüst) reasons (nedenler). Even I  myself couldn't explain that. I avoided (kaçınmak) seeing (görmek) him for about eight months, and I know what I  did really hurt (incitmek, yaralamak, üzmek) him badly (kötü bir şekilde). 
I've always wanted to connect (bağlantı kurmak) with him, but I didn't have the courage (cesaret) to call (aramak) him. And then (sonra),  I went to the United States in 2011 for a  summer (yaz) vacation (tatili). When I finally decided (karar vermek) that I  was going to call (aramak) him and tell (söylemek) him I wanted to  be (olmak) with him forever (sonsuza kadar), I found out (farkına varmak) that he changed (değiştirmek) his Facebook status (durum) on the same day (aynı gün).
He's dating (flört etmek) another girl (bir başka kızla). I was so shocked (şok olmak), I had no idea (fikir) what to do. I was on the other side (kenar, taraf) of the Pacific Ocean (okyanus). We were thousands  of miles apart (ayrı).   Then, we talked (konuşmak) on MSN and he admitted (kabul etmek) he is  with another girl now. They're classmates (sınıf arkadaşı). I  told him that I love him, I always have.  However (ancak), he just said he's with someone else.  He is in love with her. That's the last time  we talked and we didnt see (görmek) each other (birbirimizi) for a long, long time (çok uzun zamandır). I love him. But this love for  him is killing (öldürmek) me. I'm a Christian (Hristiyan). I keep  telling myself to trust (güvenmek) in the Lord with all  your heart (kalp), He will make straight (doğru) your paths (yol).  But I am still afraid (korkmak). I love him so much, but I couldn't see (görmek) him; I couldn't know (bilmek)how he is  doing; we couldn't be friends.
I am 21 now. People say I am still (yine, hala) young,  "you'll never (asla) know who you're gonna meet (buluşmak, görüşmek) in  the future (gelecek)." But I know, I just know that I will love him forever (sonsuza kadar) and ever. No one else (başka hiç kimse) can make me love him like this (bunun gibi).

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